Study 2


“Many places to call home”: A Typology of Migrants’ Job Embeddedness and its Relationship to Personal Initiative, Intent to Stay in the Host Country, and Intent to Stay in the Organization


Anh Nguyen (Bamberg University). Contact:

Maike Andresen (Bamberg University).


Although empirical evidence shows that job embeddedness (JE) significantly predicts migrant employees’ intent to stay in a job, previous analyses focus on the role of JE levels and generally overlook patterns of JE and the active role of migrant workers in constructing JE abroad. Based on a sample of 707 first-generation migrants, we employed Latent Class Analysis and a contextualized JE framework to reveal the ‘hidden’ JE patterns in the migrant worker population that represent four embedding types: transnational embedders, going native by private life, going native by work life, and heart at home. The four embedding types include individuals with significant differences in terms of their personal initiative and reflect significantly different levels of intentions of employed migrants to stay in the host country and host organization. We derive theoretical and practical implications from the results and provide directions for future research.

Data used:

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Description of the dataset

  • Organizations in charge: Bamberg University.
  • Population covered: first generation migrants in Europe.
  • Frequency of data collection: cross-sectional.
  • Time reference: 07-11/2020.


Group 1 (for example demographic variables)

  • Age
  • Sex
  • Nationality
  • Host country
  • Home country
  • Residence permit
  • Duration abroad

Group 2

  • Job embeddedness
  • Personal initiative
  • Intent to stay

Group 3

  • Variable 1
  • Variable 2
  • Variable 3

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