Study 1


Job embeddedness in the international migration context between spillover and crossover effects and transnationalism: A review and agenda for future research


Anh Nguyen (Bamberg University)

Maike Andresen (Bamberg University)


Migrant workers’ job embeddedness is of central interest to employers to tackle labor and skill shortages. While the job embeddedness concept has been validated based on national samples, there has been a lack of scrutiny of its application, formulation and development in the global mobility context. In a systematic literature review using 49 empirical studies, we propose a theoretical development of job embeddedness among international migrant employees. We expand JE theory by showing that the way migrants become embedded, and the how of their embeddedness matter for various work outcomes in addition to their level of embeddedness. The results encompass spillover effects between host community, career, and organizational embeddedness, crossover effects between the job embeddedness of family members and migrant employees, and transnationalism effects stemming from concurrent embeddedness in different locations. We develop a contextualized framework of foreign migrants’ job embeddedness, develop propositions and draw up an agenda for future research.

Data used:

Data sources here, including version numbers if applicable.

Access the data.

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Description of the dataset

  • Organizations in charge: name of institutions who produced the data.
  • Population covered: details here.
  • Frequency of data collection: annual? Monthly? Panel or cross-section? Explain here.
  • Time reference: Date of survey(s), period(s) covered.


Group 1 (for example demographic variables)

  • Variable 1
  • Variable 2
  • Variable 3

Group 2

  • Variable 1
  • Variable 2
  • Variable 3

Group 3

  • Variable 1
  • Variable 2
  • Variable 3

Replication files

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Instructions for replication

Folder with data

Replication codes