Study 2


Migration Motivation and Ethnic Identity of Migrant Couples in Germany: Tied Versus Lead Movers


Teresa Freitas Monteiro (IAB and Humboldt University of Berlin) Contact:


This study examines the determinants of the migration position (tied or lead mover) and how it affects the ethnic identity of migrant spouses. Individ- uals who migrated due to family reasons might be more likely to experience a loss in the sense of belonging, a deterioration of social relations and missed professional opportunities. Tied and lead movers have different migration motivations (family versus work) and face different constraints (e.g., human capital) and opportunities (e.g., social network through work). This is likely to be reflected in different investment strategies and adjustment patterns in the host country. To study the adjustment of tied and lead movers, I rely on the IAB-SOEP migration sample, which asks migrant spouses who was the main driver of the migration decision. Using structural equation modelling I look at the determinants of the migration position and I evaluate how it affects the ethnic identity of spouses. Because unobserved factors affecting the migration position could also have an influence on ethnic identity, I rely on IVs that reflect the bargaining power just before migration. The results show that gender remains a main determinant of who is a tied mover within a couple. Women with higher human capital and coming from a country with more gender equal laws and regulations are less likely to be tied movers. Overall, tied movers are more likely to be separated and less likely to be in- tegrated. These findings suggest that for tied movers the psychological costs of distancing from the culture of their country of ancestry do not compensate the benefits from investing in the host country culture.

Data used:

IAB-SOEP migration sample

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Description of the dataset

Organizations in charge: IAB and DIW. Population covered: Immigrants in Germany. Sample drawn from the IAB “Integrated Employment Biographies”, restricted to individuals who first appear in the data after 1994. Frequency of data collection: Yearly (Panel).


  • M1 - survey from 2013 onwards.
  • M2- surved from 2015 onwards, comprises immigrants who arrived in Germany between 2010 and 2013.

Observations per wave.

  • Wave 1: 4964 Persons in 2723 Households.
  • Wave 2: 3752 Persons in 2021 Households.
  • Wave 3: 4770 Persons in 2768 Households.
  • Wave 4: 3832 Persons in 2155 Households.
  • Wave 5: 3408 Persons in 1913 Households.

Time reference:

Date of survey, migration biography retrospectively since first leave of country of birth, retrospective questions on life course.

The structure of the datasets is organised as the GSOEP from DIW Berlin.


Demographic Variables

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Country of Birth
  • Marital status
  • Children details
  • Household details
  • Year of immigration
  • migration history
  • search behaviour and information channels
  • social networks

Education history variables

  • highest obtained schooling and vocational degrees
  • years of schooling
  • education acquired at home and abroad
  • acknowledgement procedure of foreign credentials
  • language proficiency

Employment history variables

  • Employment (before and after migration)
  • self-employment
  • unemployment in Germany and in foreign countries

Labour market background

  • Earnings
  • full- and part-time employment
  • working hours
  • benefit assistance
  • reservation wage
  • participation in active labour market policies


  • Return migration intensions
  • Immigration year
  • return migration
  • limited survey of re-turned immigrants
  • Remittances to home countries


  • life satisfaction
  • risk preferences
  • social integration and acceptance

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