Study 1

Human capital transferability and migrants’ integration


Jacopo Bassetto, University of Trento and IAB (corresponding author) Contact:

Silke Anger, University of Bamberg, IAB and IZA.


The present study evaluates a recent reform in Germany which allowed non-European migrants to recognize certificates acquired abroad at the same conditions as European migrants. Exploiting both the overall timing of the reform and the staggered introduction across German regions, we investigate both the effect on application probability and on wage and employment outcomes. To this aim, we combine several data sources: IAB-SOEP, Mikrozensus and IEB data.

Data used:

  • (1) IAB-SOEP-Migration Sample 2013-2016,
  • (2) Mikrozensus 2000-2016,
  • (3) IEB - 2017.

Access the data

The data used in this study are not open access and cannot be shared freely. You will need to sign a contract with the data provider in order to obtain the raw data. For example, you can request the IAB-SOEP-Migration Sample from the IAB here. The Mikrozensus 2000-2016 can be obtained here. The IEB can be obtained here. Access the data through the IAB FDZ

Once you have the raw data, you can replicate the results of my study using the dofiles on this platform. You will need the software STATA for that.

Description of the dataset

  • IAB-SOEP : sample of migrants survey in several waves from 2013 to 2016. The dataset has a panel component in all years and refreshment in 2015.

  • Mikrozensus: 1% sample of the German population. Information collected yearly via survey in selected households. Repeated cross-section.

  • IEB: Universe of individuals present in the German Social Security System.